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1 k+
  • University Name: Shanghai Polytechnic University
  • Chinese Name: 上海第工业大学
  • Founded: 1960
  • City: Shanghai
  • Province: N/A
  • University Type: Public / Government University

Scholarship Coverage:

Bachelor Course Taught in English:

Type A

  • Tuition Fees: Full Free
  • Insurance Fees: Free

Type B

  • Tuition Fees: 50% Free
  • Insurance Fees: Free

Other Fees need to pay to the University:

  • Accommodation Fees: 15 CNY / DAY
  • Registration Fees: 600 CNY / YEAR (1ST YEAR ONLY)
  • Visa Extension Fees: 400 CNY / YEAR
  • Medical Check Up Fees: 550 CNY / YEAR (1ST YEAR ONLY)

Bachelor Course Taught in English:

  • Bachelor Course Taught in English:

    • International Business
    • Hospitality Management
    • Public Relation
    • Information Management and Information System

Shanghai Polytechnic University Established in 1960, Shanghai Polytechnic University(上海第工业大学) is a municipal college of higher learning that specializes in engineering and manages the coordinated development of the multidisciplinary management of the arts, sciences and the arts. In the past sixty years, Shanghai Polytechnic University started from adult education, held full-time higher vocational education, and then upgraded to an ordinary undergraduate college. It was listed as a pilot unit for professional degree postgraduate training by the State Council Degree Committee until it became a “serving national special needs talent training project”. The master’s degree-granting unit and the right to grant a master’s degree in electronic information have embarked on a characteristic development path for technology-applied universities.

Shanghai Polytechnic University consists of the main campus and several branch campuses, covering a total area of   nearly 800 acres. The main campus is located on Jinhai Road, Pudong, Shanghai, with a construction area of   nearly 300,000 square meters, including an experimental training center of more than 40,000 square meters and an engineering training center of more than 20,000 square meters. It has 45 standard laboratories, an experimental room area of   66,000 square meters, a total fixed asset value of 566 million yuan for teaching and scientific research equipment, more than 1.46 million paper books, more than 2.75 million electronic books, and complete computer network services system.

Shanghai Polytechnic University has 12 secondary teaching, Scientific research units. There are 6 subject categories and 22 professional categories in engineering, management, economics, literature, science, and arts, with 43 undergraduate majors, 31 vocational majors, and 1 master’s degree. There are school-level 16 key disciplines and nurturing disciplines. At present, there are 13124 full-time students in the university (including 10412 general students, 2294 junior college students, 43 preparatory students, 293 master students, 82 international students), and 7416 night (amateur) students.

Shanghai Polytechnic University has 1 national-level first-class undergraduate major construction site, 2 Ministry of Education excellent engineer training programs, 2 Ministry of Education “undergraduate teaching engineering” local universities, the first batch of undergraduate major comprehensive reform pilot, Shanghai. There are 10 application-oriented undergraduate pilot majors in municipal universities, 8 undergraduate education highland construction projects in Shanghai, and 2 English-language planning major filling projects in Shanghai colleges and universities. There are 4 majors in middle school, 6 majors in middle and high school, and 1 major in middle school. Computer science and technology, environmental engineering professional certification applications were accepted by the China Engineering Education Professional Certification Association.

Shanghai Polytechnic University has 3 national-level quality courses, 28 Shanghai-level quality courses, 16 Shanghai university-level teaching teams, 91 key courses of the Shanghai Education Commission, 3 high-quality online courses in Shanghai universities, and demonstration cases of high-quality online courses in Shanghai universities 3 courses, 23 undergraduate key teaching reform projects in Shanghai universities. In the past three years, students have participated in 225 provincial and ministerial-level discipline competitions and received 964 awards, including 433 national awards. An average of more than 1,500 students participate in innovation projects at the municipal and school level.

At present, there are 1,119 faculty members, including 818 full-time teachers, 366 teachers with deputy senior and above professional technical positions, and 304 teachers with doctorate degrees. Among the faculty, 2 people enjoy special government subsidies from the State Council, 1 is selected into the New Century Excellent Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education, 4 are oriental professors, 4 are selected from Pujiang Program, 6 are from Shuguang, 4 are from Shanghai University and 2 model teachers in Shanghai.

Shanghai Polytechnic University attaches great importance to scientific research and nurturing teaching, actively carries out scientific research that meets the needs of economic and social development and the layout and direction of school disciplines, and strengthens applied research and development. In the long-term scientific research practice, the university has formed a strong scientific research team, undertook 2 national “863” projects, 1 national natural science fund key project, 3 national key research and development plan projects, national natural science fund project 73 projects, 3 projects of National Philosophy and Social Science Fund.

There is an on-campus International Student Dormitory which is located on the first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors of Building 1 on the south riverside. There are two apartments on each floor. There are 4 bedrooms, 1 living room, shared bathrooms, and showers in each apartment. There are double rooms, four-bedrooms are situated in the building. On the first floor, there is 1 kitchen, 1 laundry room, and an activity room for all international students.

Campus Gallery

Some Picture of the University

Admission Office

International Students Only

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