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  • University Name: Zhejiang Normal University
  • Chinese Name: 浙江师范大学
  • Founded: 1956
  • City: Jinhua
  • Province: Zhejiang
  • University Type: Public / Government University

Scholarship Coverage:

Bachelor Course Taught in English:

  • Tuition Fees: 18000CNY / YEAR

Type A

  • Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship–20000 CNY/Student/Year

Type B

  • Zhejiang Normal University Scholarship-8000 CNY/Student/Year

The student will get scholarships according to their High School result in 1st Year and from 2nd to last year according to their performance at ZJNU.

Other Fees need to pay to the University:

  • Accommodation Fees: 5400 CNY / YEAR
  • Insurance Fees: 800 CNY / YEAR
  • Registration Fees: 600 CNY / YEAR (1ST YEAR ONLY)
  • Visa Extension Fees: 800 CNY / YEAR
  • Medical Check Up Fees: 550 CNY / YEAR (1ST YEAR ONLY)

Bachelor Course Taught in English:

  • Bachelor Course Taught in English:

    • Software Engineering
    • Financial Management
    • Business Administration (BBA)
    • Mechanical Design , Manufacturing and Automation
    • International Trade and Economics 
    • Material Science and Engineering
    • Transportation
    • Electronic Information and Engineering
    • Biotechnology

Zhejiang Normal University specializes in teacher education with multiple branches of learning. The University has an enrollment over 25,300 undergraduates, 5,300 postgraduates, and 16,000 adult students in various adult education programs. The University is named by the Ministry of Education as a Key National Training Base for Teachers of Vocational Education. It is designated by the Ministry of Railways as a base for the training of locomotive engineers. Moreover, Zhejiang Training Center for University and College Teachers is affiliated to the university for various of in-service training programs. Zhejiang Normal University covers a total area of more than 220 hectares with a total floor space of more than one million square meters. Its green and beautiful campus furnishes an ideal place for living, study and work. 

1. History 

Zhejiang Normal University was originally established as the Hangzhou Normal Academy in 1956. It became the Hangzhou Normal College in 1958. In 1962, Hangzhou Normal College and the Zhejiang Teaching College merged to become the Zhejiang Normal College. In 1965, the college relocated to Jinhua. In 1980, the college was classified as a tertiary education. In 1985, the college became the Zheijiang Normal University. Since then, the university has expanded its colleges, departments and undergraduate programs.

Subsequently in 2000, 2001, and 2004, three more higher education merged into Zhejiang Normal University; Zhejiang Financial School, Zhejiang School of Preschool-Teacher Education and the Jinhua Railway Engineering School respectively.

2. Discipline and programs 

Zhejiang Normal University has 19 colleges covering all branches of learning except military sciences and nursing. 

As one of the key provincial universities, Zhejiang Normal University specializes in teacher education with multiple branches of learning. The University consists of 19 colleges offering 65 undergraduate programs, 136 master’s degree programs and 23 doctoral degree programs. It has an enrolment over 25,300 undergraduates, 5,300 postgraduates, and 16,000 adult students in various adult education programs.

At present, the University claims 24 provincial key disciplines, 6 provincial key construction disciplines, 3 provincial research bases and 65 degree programs. Zhejiang Normal University offers other professional master’s programs including M. Ed., MPA, MBA, MSW, MTCSOL, MA for Part-Time Vocational Education and MA of Science in Physical Education.

3. Academic facilities and faculty

The libraries at Zhejiang Normal University have a collection of more than 3,000,000 traditional books and over 1,850,000 online books. 42 laboratories have been established, with a total floor space of 119,000 square meters, including one key laboratory of the Ministry of Education, one national key demonstration center of experiment instruction and 5 provincial key laboratories and key demonstration centers of experiment instruction.

Zhejiang Normal University currently employs over 2,750 faculty members, including 1,540 full-time instructors, a Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician, 330 full professors and 750 associate professors.

4. Great achievements 

Zhejiang Normal University published “Journal of Zhejiang Normal University (SOCIAL SCIENCE EDITION)”, “Journal of Zhejiang Normal University (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION)”, “middle school teaching (Mathematics)” among which social science edition is a bimonthly journal, natural science edition is a quarterly journal. In addition, the issues of “Teacher Education”, “Journal of adult higher education”, “teaching”, “Physics Teaching”, “chemistry teaching and experiment” and “biology teaching and experiment” also released by Zhejiang Normal University, these publications responded well in Zhejiang basic education sector, making a positive contribution to the teaching and research work of teachers in Zhejiang province. 

5. Communication and international cooperation 

Zhejiang Normal University makes strenuous efforts to open up to the outside world. In recent years, ties of academic exchange and cooperation have been set up between Zhejiang Normal University and 92 foreign universities and research institutes in 42 countries. In 1996, Zhejiang Normal University set up a Center for Chinese Language and Culture in Cameroon. In 1997, the University was authorized to accept short-term and long-term international students. Approved by the Ministry of Education, Zhejiang Normal University established a Base for Education Assistance and Development in 2004 to undertake human resources development projects for senior educational administrators from other continents. In addition, the University has been authorized to run a center for overseas studies to assist self-funded students to study in foreign countries. In 2007, the University was authorized to accept international students supported by the Chinese Government Scholarship, and established a Confucius Institute in Cameroon and Ukraine respectively. 

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