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  • University Name: Changsha University of Science and Technology 
  • Chinese Name: 长沙理工大学
  • Founded: 1956
  • City: Hunan
  • Province: Changsha
  • University Type: Public / Government University

Scholarship Coverage:

Bachelor Course Taught in English:

  • Tuition Fees: Full Free

Other Fees need to pay to the University:

  • Accommodation Fees: 1200CNY / YEAR
  • Insurance Fees: 800 CNY / YEAR
  • Registration Fees: 600 CNY / YEAR (1ST YEAR ONLY)
  • Visa Extension Fees: 400 CNY / YEAR
  • Medical Check Up Fees: 550 CNY / YEAR (1ST YEAR ONLY)

Bachelor Course Taught in English:

  • Computer Science And Technology
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering

Changsha University of Science & Technology (CSUST) evolves into an engineering-centered multidisciplinary university, integrating engineering, science, management, economics, liberal arts and law, with a stronghold in undergraduate education and a capacity of post-doctoral science and research workstations, conferment of Doctor’s Degree and recommendation of postgraduates for Master’s Degree. It has been granted with “National Excellent Grassroots Party Organization” and “Hunan Provincial Model Unit of Civility”.

(1) History

Changsha Jiao Tong University, founded in 1956, is a university directly under the Ministry of transportation. Changsha Electric Power Institute was founded in 1956. In 2003, Changsha Jiao Tong University combined with Changsha Electric Power Institute to be a new university, named as Changsha University of Science & Technology. In February 2012, Changsha University of Science and Technology joined the “Green Transportation Alliance”, becoming a member of these six universities.

(2) Discipline and programs

Boasting of a history of 57 years, Changsha University of Science & Technology evolves into an engineering-centered multidisciplinary university, integrating engineering, science, management, economics, liberal arts and law. Changsha University of Science & Technology consisting of 20 faculties and colleges offers 30 undergraduate majors, 125 Master Degree Programs, 18 Doctoral Degree Programs and 3 post-doctoral workstations. At present, there are more than 30000 Chinese students and more than 200 international students studying at Changsha University of Science & Technology. 

(3) Academic facilities and Scientific research 

Changsha University of Science & Technology currently employs over 1867 full-time teachers, among who are 310 professors and 682 associate professors. Changsha University of Science & Technology has a collection of more than 2,960,000 books, 3192 kinds of domestic and international periodicals and 4285GB EBooks. Changsha University of Science & Technology has 27 natural sciences innovation platforms, such as national engineering laboratories, science and technology innovation teams, key laboratories at provincial or ministerial level and engineering research centers; 10 provincial philosophy and social sciences innovation platform.

(4) Great achievements

Since the implementation of the “Eleventh Five-Year” plan, Changsha University of Science & Technology has won 13 national research awards, among which, the project of “Integrated Repair Techniques of Road Construction in Expansive Soil Area” won the first prize of the National Scientific and Technological Advancement Award in 2009; the projects of “Key Technologies of Security Control in Concrete Bridge Construction and Use Period”, “Assessment Method of Concrete Bridge Service Performance and Remaining Life and Its Application”, “Design of Bitumen Road Surface and Improvement Method of Its Structural Performance as well as Engineering Application” won the second prize of the National Scientific and Technological Advancement Award in 2006, 2011 and 2012 respectively. During this period, Changsha University of Science & Technology has made breakthrough in key projects of national social sciences fund, national science and technology support plan projects, key projects of national natural sciences fund and national excellent youth fund projects. It has won four national teaching awards, 217 national patents, obtaining a total funding for research RMB 1000 million Yuan for the university.

(5) Communication and international cooperation

Changsha University of Science & Technology has established exchange and cooperation with 66 institution of higher learning and research institutions from over 40 countries and regions, including the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Canada, and South Korea. It is accredited to enroll and train international students under China Government Scholarship Programs. Currently, it has over 200 international students studying on campus. Recently, the university has sent more than 1000 registered students to study abroad in such countries as the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, France, Russia, South Korea etc.

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