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  • University Name: Nanjing Tech University
  • Chinese Name: 南京工业大学
  • Founded: 1902
  • City: Nanjing
  • Province: Jiangsu
  • University Type:  Public / Government University

Scholarship Coverage:

Bachelor Course Taught in English:

Type A:

  • Tuition Fees: Free
  • Monthly Stipend: 400 CNY / Month

Type B:

  • Tuition Fees: Free

Other Fees need to pay to the University:

  • Accommodation Fees: 1600CNY / Year (Quad Room) / 4000CNY/Year (Dual Room)
  • Insurance Fees: 800 CNY / YEAR
  • Registration Fees: 600 CNY / YEAR (1ST YEAR ONLY)
  • Visa Extension Fees: 400 CNY / YEAR
  • Medical Check Up Fees: 500 CNY / YEAR (1ST YEAR ONLY)

Bachelor Course Taught in English:

  • Computer Science and Technology
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Pharmacy
  • Mechanical Engineering 
  • Applied Chemistry 
  • Surveying and Mapping Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering & Automation
  • Materials science and Engineering

Nanjing Tech University is located in Nanjing, the ancient capital for six dynasties in China. It is a comprehensive university with engineering as its focus. In light of its university motto of “Honor the Moral Integrity, Strive for Excellence, Persist in Fortitude and Combine Learning & Practice”, Nanjing Tech University, from its base in Jiangsu Province, will face the whole country and have a worldwide outlook in promoting scientific and harmonious development. The University will actively strive to meet the economic and social needs of the country, and endeavor to become a first-rate innovative and high-calibre university of technology with its own even more distinctive characteristics, which will have strong emphasis on engineering programs, enhance coordinated development of different disciplines and rank among the top in its category. 

1. History

Nanjing Tech University has a history of more than one hundred years as a cradle of education. It is a key institution of higher learning to be constructed in Jiangsu Province, and one of the first group of institutions of higher learning approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education for the training of “Excellent Engineers”. Nanjing Tech University was established by merging the former Nanjing University of Chemical Technology and the former Nanjing Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering in May 2001.  The origin of Nanjing University of Chemical Technology can be traced back to Sanjiang Normal School established in 1902, and Nanjing Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering was formerly the Department of Mechanics of Tongji Medical and Engineering School established in 1915.

2. Discipline and Programs

Nanjing Tech University consists of three campuses: Dingjiaqiao, Hongqiao and Jiangpu, covering a total area of 4000 mu(or 267 hectares). The University has 29 colleges, and close to 30,000 students including overseas students, undergraduates, and master’s degree and PhD candidates. It has 7 post-PhD stations, 38 PhD programs, 102 master’s degree programs, 19 programs for Master of Engineering, and 80 undergraduate programs. And it has also become a university comprising eight branches of learning, namely, engineering, science, management, economics, liberal arts, law, philosophy, and medicine. In all of the programs, there is 1 national key discipline(Chemical Engineering and Technology), 1 first-class national key discipline training site(Material Science and Engineering), 2 provincial key discipline in 13th Five-Year Plan(Chemistry and Pharmacy), and 8 provincial key disciplines. Particularly, Chemistry, Materials Science, and Engineering rank ESI global top level. The total disciplines strength also ranks ESI global top level.

3. Academic Facilities and Scientific Research

Nanjing Tech University has a long history and a good tradition in education, it boasts a good number of prominent and learned scholars. Of the 2,800 employees with the University’s faculty and staffs, there are more than 900 full professors and associate professors, including 2 academician of the Chinese Academy of Science, 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 outstanding professional technical talents, 7 chair professors of ‘Chang Jiang Scholars Program’ of the Ministry of Education, 8 scientists-in-chief for the “National Key Development Program in Fundamental Research” (973 Program), 7 chair professors of the “Thousand Talents Plan”, 1 member of the expert committee for 863 Program, 7 winners of National Outstanding Youth Fund and 4 national distinguished teachers. Nanjing Tech University has a strong contingent engaging in scientific research. There are 5 national scientific research institutes, 24 ministerial and provincial research centers and 22 provincial key labs. It stresses the transformation of scientific researches and results, and persists for the interactive development of ‘production-study-research’. At present, Nanjing Tech University Science Park is the national level university science park, the Technology Transfer Center is the national demonstration institute in technology transfer. It also has the national intellectual property training base. In recent years, the University has undertaken 8,600 scientific research projects, including those of the 973 Program, the 863 Program, and the State Natural Science Foundation. The campus library has 3 parts, Yifu Library, New Mofan Road Library, and Literature Arts Library. It covers an area of  32000 m2, collects 2.1 million domestic and foreign books, 1.205 million e-books, 3400 e-journals, and 64 domestic and foreign databases. 

4. Great Achievement

Nanjing Tech University has over 170 ministerial and provincial scientific research achievements, including 1 National Prize for Natural Sciences, 7 National Award for Technological Invention, and 5 National Prize for Progress in Science. In the scientific invention, it applied 1574 patents and 637 authorized patents, which ranked top level in Jiangsu province. In 2010, it ranked top 5 in Jiangsu province and 37 in state for its patents authorization quantity There were 1633 published papers in SCIE and 1565 in EI.

 5. Communication and International Cooperation

Nanjing Tech University expands its global strategy by a close communication with foreign universities. At present, it builds a partnership with over 70 famous universities and high level research institutes from over 30 countries. Particularly, it established the “International Joint Research Center” with Imperial College London, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Nanyang Technological University, etc.; it constructed the Confucius Institute with University of Johannesburg and University of Zaragoza; it ran 3 sino-foreign cooperative undergraduate programs with Institute of Technology, Tallaght, 3 undergraduate programs with The University of Sheffield. There are over 200 overseas students and 10 more foreign experts here. It focuses on the “Double Tops “construction with every international partner.

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